What a year for Usk The Town of Flowers

Published: 06 October 2018

Its been an amazing year of floral achievements for Usk which has cemented our beautiful town very firmly as 'The Town of Flowers' thanks to the efforts of the Usk in Bloom volunteers.

Earlier in the summer Usk featured in the first episode of the new BBC series 'Britain in Bloom'; the town then went on to achieve success in Wales in Bloom with Usk in Bloom winning a Gold award for we believe the 38th year - surely this must be a record? The icing on the cake was receiving news from Canada on Sunday night that Usk had won The International Communities in Bloom competition for small towns against competition from all around the World. This is an incredible achievement by Usk in Bloom! 

Usk Town Council are proud to support the charity with annual donations to contribute to the cost of the flower displays and competition entry fees. We would like to congratulate and thank  all the Usk in Bloom volunteers for their hard work. Thanks also to the residents, community groups and businesses of Usk for their contributions to Usk receiving these awards and not forgetting the Usk Open Gardens team who also work so hard to raise the profile of  Usk while raising funds for local charitable causes, record numbers attended the two day event this year. We really are proud of everyone in Usk and the now global recognition achieved for the town which can only be good for trade and tourism.