Usk Gas Pipes Replacement Final Phase
Published: 10 May 2018
A blue envelope from Wales and West Utilities is dropping through letterboxes in Usk this morning... This is not junk mail, but information regarding the fourth and final phase of the gas pipes upgrade affecting Mill Lane/Mill Street.
This phase is scheduled to commence on 21/05/18 with the closure of Mill Lane for two weeks, from it's junction with Maryport Street to the Athletic Club entrance. A map is enclosed in the envelope showing the closure in red.
Previous experience tells us that Wales and West Utilities will be as flexible and helpful as possible during the works and will be open to finding ways of assisting anyone with particular access needs etc. Contact them in the Portacabin behind the Grange (Con Club) or via 08009122999. They can be emailed via enquiries@wwutilities. They also have a Facebook page ( and a Twitter Account (twitter@wwutilities).
Meanwhile, the works at the top of New Market Street are well underway, with diversion and businesses open signs in situ. The lights at the Bridge are, as expected, impacting on the flow of traffic through town, with some build up of traffic in all three affected directions.
Your patience is greatly appreciated during this last push through town. The works will, of course, continue towards Little Mill for some time yet.
The Usk Shopping Spree draws to an end and entries will be collected from participating businesses in time for tomorrow's draw. Winners will be contacted over the weekend, with voucher presentation scheduled for Monday!