Gas Pipe Replacement Scheme Latest Update

Published: 10 March 2018

The Gas Pipe Replacement work is fully underway again after the enforced snow break. The last couple of weeks have been comparatively quiet, with the traffic management plan working well, overall. 

A number of issues have been communicated with W &W Utilities, with Forest, with MCC and with us, the majority of which have been resolved. Cones and signs were repositioned, replaced and added to, mainly around the diversion route. This has certainly reduced the number of occasions of drivers going the wrong way, but not entirely - so your continued vigilance is appreciated. Problem areas are, in particular, the southernmost section of Maryport St; cars turning left out of the Memorial Hall car park and turning into Old Market Street from Maryport St. Extra care is required when exiting the car park at the top of Maryport St as vehicles are currently able to head up towards Bridge Street, against the usual direction of flow. Additional signage is due to be positioned here soon.

Reports of speeding continue and are being passed to Gwent Police. New SLOW signs have been positioned and several mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing are being actively pursued. Usk Town Council aim to extend the 20mph speed limit throughout Usk, but this isn't something that can be implemented outside of the due application process.
Please be aware that whilst it may seem that the clearway on Four Ash Street and Chepstow Road is not currently necessary, it remains in force. Ticketing is likely in this area as well as at the usual persistently troublesome spots.

Today has seen rising water levels, with particular concerns raised around Mill Lane/Mill Street area. This has been - and will continue to be - monitored. We are reliably assured that water levels would need to rise by at least two more feet before the diversion route would become impassable and levels are now receding. W and W Utilities, Forest and UTC have nevertheless looked at a contingency traffic plan should the situation deteriorate again. 

As we enter into Week Four, please continue to give your best support to our local businesses, services and trades and to keep the diversions flowing smoothly and safely, by parking considerately and driving carefully at all times.